nightingaleIf we could really empathise with our animal and bird brethren and imagine ourselves experiencing life in their skins for a short while would we be wreaking such destruction on the natural world?

Migratory birds complete astonishing journeys, these migrations are heroic feats and in a time when more and more of us are on the move we have much to learn from them.

My story Nightingale: perilous journeys and joyful homecomings tells the story of the migration of a single male bird from sub-saharan Africa to southern England. His story runs alongside another story called The Bulbul A-Siah or The Nightingale That Speaks.  This is a mysterious tale from the High Atlas mountains of, jealous sisters, miraculous reversals of fortune and of course a nightingale that speaks.  More than that – a nightingale that speaks the truth!